maandag 20 juli 2009

Pampas del Sur History

On his way back to his native Argentina a young winemaker listened intently to the legendary Carlos Gardel aboard the steamship Ríon de la Plata. On the long voyage he fell hopelessly in love with a beautiful young maiden, the daughter of a wealthy Buenos Aires landowner. He was returning from furthering studies in France while she reflected over her travels around Europe. Disembarking in the port of Buenos Aires they swore they'd see each other soon.
Letters dated 1929 an 1930 found in a Mendoza wine cellar recount Pilar and Tomás story. After a series of emotional written exchanges, correspondence from the damsel who kept him awake at night suddenly ceased. Distraught, he decided to find out what happened. On arrival at her house, het father refused Tomás entru, saying he was not fit for his daughter. Tomás, in lovelorn attempt to draw he attention and defiant to the last, marked his wines with the personal, Pampas del Sur seal she had used on het letters.
Pride and Passion - Pampas del Sur

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